Emotional Healing


Negative emotions such as fear, anger, sadness and guilt are there to teach us something. But when they’re there inappropriately, in large amounts, or at the wrong time, it’s an indication that emotional healing work needs to take place at an unconscious level.

The unconscious mind is an infinite memory store compared to the conscious mind which can only process approximately 7 pieces of information at one time. It therefore stores memories and their associated feelings forever. It does this to protect you. When you were a baby you may have become frightened when left alone, and took action such as loud crying to rectify that situation, which was a productive behaviour. If your crying out wasn’t responded to then the fear of being left alone can escalate and influence the rest of your life.

So at an early age you may have put together a series of internal and external experiences and because it worked at the time you carry on using that pattern. Often the reasons behind the patterns will have been obscured, you’re just left with the behaviour. Over-reacting emotionally to particular situations, feeling emotions which feel out of context, can all indicate an opportunity for emotional healing.

To facilitate emotional healing, NLP uses time line techniques to clear inappropriate emotions from this sequence. Learning what you need to learn from the emotion and letting go so you’re free to develop different strategies, now and in the future.

With these NLP emotional healing techniques you can work content-free. There won’t be any expectation of being able to recall past negative emotional events in order to understand them and move on as is the case in most traditional therapies.


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